
PRACTICE YOU – Elena Brower’s new book + Raffle!

28. August 2017

Following the international acclaim of her Yoga book The Art of Attention, which Elena Brower and Erica Jago co-authored a few years ago, Elena Brower’s new book, PRACTICE YOU – A JOURNAL will be hitting the shelves in the coming days.

When I got to sneak-peek at it a few weeks ago during Elena Brower’s visit to Berlin, I almost snuck it out of the event-space. It moved me to tears and I still get the best kind of goose bumps when I look at it now.

Practice You is a workbook which supports us in rediscovering, finding and surprising ourselves again and again. Through her brilliant prompts and insights, Elena Brower invites us to reconnect to those parts of ourselves that support our inner wisdom and preserve our integrity.


Practice You – a Guide for Self-Discovery

This jewel of a book is organized into nine sections, which cover all aspects of our being, and help us re-learn to listen, to clear, and to organize within: I AM, I FEEL, I DO, I LOVE, I SPEAK, I SEE, I UNDERSTAND, I TRUST, I SERVE.

It’s a feast for the eyes! Elena went all-out creatively, and the feel of the book in hand is amazing. I don’t want to put it down, it’s so beautiful. This book is for those of us who want to learn more about ourselves, want to live more authentically, like to write down our thoughts (or finally want to start journaling), enjoy making some doodles and are generally interested in personal growth. It’s the perfect gift to oneself and also for all loved ones! It should be found on nightstands far and wide!


I’m giving away three copies of Practice You – A Journal (only in Europe). Simply comment on this post on the Kaerlighed Facebook page – I’ll only be counting those entries. On September 10th, 2017 at 8 p.m. I’ll draw three winners lottery-style. Good luck!

All decisions are final. Recourse to legal action is excluded!!




*Amazon Affiliate Link

Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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