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Alina Vergnano im Interview

8. Juli 2013


Mein lieber Scholli. In Berlin habe ich mir einen ganz schönen Muskelkater eingefangen. Aber am Schreibtisch lässt es sich einigermaßen gut sitzen. Hattet ihr ein feines Wochenende? Ich hoffe sehr!!! Heute möchte ich euch Alina Vergnano vorstellen. Alina  ist eine italienische Illustratorin und Künstlerin aus Kopenhagen. Dort habe ich auch das erste Mal ihre Arbeit gesehen. Ihre Illustrationen und auch Animationsfilme berühren mich jedes Mal auf eine schöne Art und Weise. Das liegt sicher an ihrer Message, die sie nach außen tragen möchte:  „I think we should be more honest with ourselves and with other people about what we feel“. Aber lest selbst.

Alina, tell us about yourself. 

I’m Alina Vergnano, I was born 24 years ago in Italy, in a beautiful city called Torino, where I grow up and where I graduated in illustration and animation at the European Institute of Design.

After finishing my studies, almost one year ago, I’ve moved to Copenhagen, where I’m working as a freelance illustrator and artist.

tumblr_mnbi5uaMQ11qh0jk8o1_1280When did you start with art?

Art is something that has always been in my life, my mom is an artist and I started drawing when I was a child. But honestly it took me a while to understand that it could be my choice as a profession instead of being an hobby.

When I was a teenager I was more into literature and writing, but then I think that drawing has simply slowly took the place of words to fill up the need that I had, and I still have, of expressing – in some way – what I feel, what I think, what I see.

alina vergnano

What kind of art do you make?

I would define what I do as illustration because what I draw is always originated by something I want to tell, that could be either long as a whole story or short as a single word.

I love to create small and poetic drawings with little words in them, and I like to make bigger ones, with strong black ink stroke.

I also enjoy myself a lot (and this is a recent discover) painting walls and when I have time I’m also into making silly gifs and sweet little animations.


I am a huge fan of your work. How do you find inspiration?

My inspiration come mostly from observing people. I am so fascinated by human feelings. I find so much poetry in the way we remember words, moments and perfumes or in the way we lost ourselves in a thought or we find memories into little gestures.

I’m fascinated by the way we find each other and the way we say goodbye, or how sometimes we find so hard to relate to each other and even more to ourselves.



What is your message?

In my drawings I often speak about human feelings because I think we should be more honest with ourselves and with other people about what we feel. We should all learn to admit our fears and be able to say what really makes us happy, to do not be shy of laughing and of the tears we cry.

What I try to represent in my drawings is the poetry hidden in these things, in the feelings we all have and we often deny.


What are the three things you can´t live without?

The freedom to be myself, love, Indian Ink.

ink 2 WEBWho is your favourite artist?

Recently I had a crush on Margaret Kilgallen and her work but, more in general, on the work of this group of amazing artists featured in the documentary „Beautiful Losers“ directed by Aaron Rose.


Mehr zu Alina gibt es hier

Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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